Saturday, June 14, 2008

if casablanca is a pineapple, bamako is a sweet lime

so i had a really great post all typed up yesterday...but it's on my laptop, which i don't have with me at the moment. time to improv.

reasons why i don't like bamako:
- it's HOT, all day and all night. as in, i've been sweating constantly.
- it smells bad, especially near the open sewer-y things that line most roads.
- i don't speak bambara! but i'm workin on it; just came from my first lesson.

reasons why i do like bamako:
- mangos are delish, way better than what i've had in the states.
- the kids are so so cute. i'm making friends with the 5 or 6 who live with my homestay family, and i have photos that i'll upload asap.
- the marketplaces are bustling! started exploring them yesterday and today. though a bit intimidating, i love the excitement and color and people everywhere. many-a-souvenir (as well as fabric for my new malian clothing) will be bought there, have no fear.
- i'm not 100% comfortable by any means. but yes, this is a reason why i AM enjoying myself. i like the challenge of being here. it's building character, or at least some major endurance. i also like the idea that by the time i leave, i'll have grown accustomed to a lot of this.

looks like the pros outweigh the cons. my internet cafe time is about to expire. i love you all! until next time...

(thanks to caitlin for analogy in title)

1 comment:

Becca said...

oh j.swicks this post makes me miss you. eeek and it makes me scared for the heat of israel.. (i'm leaving in 46 hrs!)
love you girl, <3 bc