Wednesday, June 4, 2008

where are YOU eating all weekend?

So. I've got the visa, the malaria meds, the travel insurance. I've got a pile of stuff to bring sitting next to my bed, waiting to be packed. I'm getting close to being ready, but still tons to do. Like, for example, clear out my entire room!! The parents are renting out our house this year because they're temporarily relocating to Cambridge, MA. The renters may or may not want to live in my humble quarters. Tomorrow's big task: putting all of my stuff in boxes - including posters on the wall and books on the bookshelf. It will be a sad, sad occasion.

On a more Mali-related note - I'm putting together a big fundraiser for MHOP this weekend. The Seven Stones Cafe, my trusty place of employment/the coolest coffeeshop ever, is donating 7 PERCENT OF SALES ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY to my project. 7%, 7 Stones - get it? Anyway, you should definitely come buy a lot. One microfinance loan is $75, an amount that you'll raise if you ring up just $1000!!! Haha...but seriously. This is a great chance to have amazing coffee and top notch food, PLUS feel good about yourself because your purchase is going towards a very worthy cause.

To recap: COME TO THE SEVEN STONES CAFE THIS WEEKEND. Plum Street Courtyard, Media, PA.

(Pardon the shameless self-promotion.)

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